Press release – Anker Boye joins the fight against water damage

DanTaet A/S

The madness of 100,000 water damage claims a year – that number needs to go down

Former Odense mayor Anker Boye is joining the Odense company DanTaet as a senior advisor in the fight against water damage and the large amounts of wasted water they cause.


– Water is a precious and scarce resource. So, of course, we have to take good care of it. Unfortunately, there are indications that we are not quite so good at this. 100,000 water damage per year in Denmark is simply 100,000 too many.

Water damage is not only a completely unnecessary waste of water, but it also costs society huge sums of money to repair, Anker Boye emphasizes.

DanTaet’s chairman of the board, lawyer Jørn Bonnesen (right) welcomes the cooperation with Anker Boye.

To be precise, the repair of the 100,000 water damages in both private and public buildings amounts to DKK 2.2 billion annually, according to engineer and senior specialist Leon Buhl, Danish Technological Institute.

With our Nordic neighbors, the picture is not much different, says Leon BuhI. He has calculated the figures, which show that the total cost of repairing water damage in Denmark, Norway and Sweden amounts to between DKK 6-7 billion. annually.

Simple and effective solution can reduce water damage

For three decades, the electronics company DanTaet has developed and manufactured systems that protect buildings and properties against leaks and burst pipes in both water and heating systems.

– Not only does DanTaet think in terms of environmental and energy-efficient solutions, the company is also a European leader in this field. And now that it happens to be located in Odense, it is both obvious and natural for me to initiate a collaboration, Anker Boye explains and adds:

Both DanTaet and I have a common desire and goal to reduce or even better, completely eliminate the 100,000 water damages that both new and older properties and buildings around Denmark are exposed to every year.

Both development and production of the DanTaet systems take place at the company in Odense. And that is a plus, says Anker Boye.