Active energy optimization with DanTaet AERS
DanTaet A/S
Leakage protection, alarm and energy recording
The DanTaet Alarm and Energy Registration System (AERS®), together with DanTaet leak detectors, is an excellent tool for combating water damage and resource waste (energy optimization), for preventive maintenance of property installations, for consumption registration and alarm management, and for minimizing comfort nuisances.

- Recording and dissemination of alarms
- Recording resource consumption
- Investigation of alarms
- Possibility of alarm acknowledgement / restart / forced shutdown
- Scald protection for shared hot water production
- Alarm after 15 min. lack of connection
- Remote access for technicians
- Integration to Dalux, MinEnergi and EnergyKey
Watch the informational film that briefly presents the many active monitoring and energy optimization possibilities offered by AERS® offers inin combination with DanTaet’s systems.
An unbeatable combination
The DanTaet Alarm and Energy Registration System (AERS®), together with DanTaet leak detectors, is an excellent tool for combating water damage and resource waste (energy optimization), for preventive maintenance of property installations, for consumption registration and alarm management, and for minimizing comfort nuisances.

Status image
AERS® is simple to operate, clear and straightforward, while offering the possibility of remote control of connected leakage protection systems.
AERS® displays consumption and alarm history as well as situational pictures with month, day, hour or minute resolution.

Autonomous leakage protection intervenes
Shift planning
Leak alerts are disseminated by AERS as SMS and/or e-mail to an unlimited number of users on duty. They can fill in a duty roster with the times during which the duty is theirs and when they will receive alert messages. Several people can be on duty at the same time for a group of properties, and each can then mark that they have taken a given alarm under consideration.
If there are periods when no one has signed up for the duty roster, all users will receive alarm notifications. With ‘Favorites’, the duty officer can associate himself more strongly with one or more of the properties in the portfolio, i.e. be given preference for handling alarms from these properties, also during pre-selected time periods.

Duty roster and favourites schedule
Remote setting of alarms
After looking at the current 24-hour consumption history and the alarm type indicated therein, the user can decide whether the alarm can be silenced and the system restarted by remote control, or whether this is a critical leakage where silencing should be performed at the installation.
Property management
The property manager can retrieve from AERS printouts of the property’s recorded consumption and read the counters of the leakage protection flow meters. In this way, for example, the cost of shared hot water production can be allocated to corridors using cold water consumption as a key. Furthermore, consumption trends can be followed on a monthly basis year after year.

Daily consumption history
Unique insight into health insurance
AERS provides a unique insight into the functioning of leakage protection. If the leakage protection is connected to an anti-theft alarm for sensitivity changeover, the consumption curves are displayed based on the current consumption phase and the applicable alarm limits are displayed at phase change. Furthermore, the ‘Override’ state is displayed, which is triggered by e.g. a fire alarm from ABA if the protected installation contains fire cabinets. A special curve indicates relative tapping, i.e. the instantaneous utilization of the alarm limit for tapping, and thus illustrates the current margin.
AERS can automatically generate consumption reports from each of the property’s metering points at desired intervals and send them to pre-selected e-mail recipients.
Remote access for technicians
AERS provides DanTaet’s technicians with remote access to the leak detectors. This allows DanTaet to quickly assist the customer with incident investigation and necessary parameter changes.
Recognised leakage protection
The Danish Technological Institute, SBI and the leading Danish insurance companies recognize the use of DanTaet leakage protection in domestic hot water installations, cooling water installations and directly connected district heating, and the efforts for safety and environment are rewarded by the insurance companies.

AERS® is a central database that can be accessed by users with a service contract that includes the service. One or more DanTaet leakage protection systems are located at the site, connected to an Ethernet adaptor, which communicates with the database via a 4G router and a private network.
The leak detectors are fully autonomous and do not rely on the network to perform their primary function – to secure the property against the consequences of major or prolonged releases from the installation.
System extensions
AERS® can be connected to other devices, such as temperature sensors, pulsed electricity or water meters and liquid sensors.
The system is developed by DanTaet, so it may be possible to meet specific customer requirements.
Turnkey system
AERS® uses a private network. Thus, the installation of AERS® has no implications for the property’s existing network and does not pose any security risks to it.
AERS® is used by, among others:
Shopping centers
Owners’ associations
Hotels and resorts
Office buildings
Educational establishments
Housing associations
Real estate companies
Houses of culture